Tuesday 29 June 2010

Blogging like a tool

Blogging has been a great experience. First of all because I learnt how to express myself in English language, and this new skill allow me to know new kinds of words or concepts to use that maybe in Spanish I can’t explain very well. In my first posts wrote about what I was thinking, but in the last posts what I was feeling about the topics. And I developed this skill writing in my blog. Is an entertaining way to practice what you’ve learn, and learn new things.

I like to read what my classmates write too, because they have a lot of experience that I don’t know but are interesting too. Or some thoughts, feelings, knowledge or beliefs related with our career that I don’t know. Sometimes someone write about her childhood, and it’s funny because there are things in common with my own childhood.
Maybe we need more topics related with the career, like write about our opinions about articles or papers that known authors have written. Analyze that kind of texts will improve our knowing about what we are going to do after the University, and will get better vocabulary related with the career.

That’s a good idea to give it a better use to the blog. Because you can put photos or videos related with your writing, and is easy to do it. You can share it, comment and discuss about what you think about an issue, and what others think, that’s make a rich conversation, and allow you to know not only what other think about it; will let you prepare new points of view to argue to someone else.

Only write something is good, but if you can discuss about it is better; with this you will be prepare to do your own article, a stronger and well structured article.

Tuesday 22 June 2010


What is NatGeo? It’s the common name used to refer to the National Geographic Channel, launched by the NG Society in September of 1997. I watch this channel by my satellite signal. To the Movistar service is the channel 352. Also it has a monthly magazine with the best images.

National Geographic has been in my life since I was a child. My father bought a collection of 40 books and documental films made by NatGeo Society. I’ve watched almost 30 films, but I don’t even read any book, I only like to see the photos. The documental films are about animals, like Lyon’s life in Africa, the Irish Horse, and Siberian dogs, they show places of the world like Serengeti, Madagascar, Alaska, Mexico and how the life is in these places. They talk about some historical issues like the Titanic, Humankind secrets, and also some scientific things like how the human body works, volcanoes and precious stones. They refer to a widespread kind of items related with our life. The books are the best thing ever. Mostly are related with beautiful landscapes. There is one that shows Chilean landscapes, in the south. It shows Villarrica volcano, Osorno volcano and a fisherman in a river.

Someday I would like to work for this society. I want to create knowledge at the same way they do. Take beautiful photos, or cooperate with my knowledge about archaeology. Maybe someday I’m going to win an exploration grant to work for NG Society, and publish to the magazine. That’s my dream. Maybe I can do something related with my country, showing to the world that in Chile we have a lot of things, spaces to explore, important archaeological sites, like Monte Verde that is controversial with the establish data for American settling.

Tuesday 15 June 2010

"A picture is worth a thousand words"

This is more than a photograph, it's a symbol too. This one was the emblem of the Teleton to help the affected people after the earthquake. Involve many feelings and thoughts, maybe is not the most beautiful, like landscapes photographs, but I think that is the best image of our Nation after the disaster.
The photographer is Roberto Candia, he works for the Associate Press (AP) agency of Santiago, was taken in Pelluhue a day after the earthquake and tsunami. The man of the photo is Bruno Sandoval a craft maker of Talca. The day before the earthquake Bruno was in Laja and his house disappear because the tsunami. Then he went to Pelluhue to find his stuffs among the other things, and he found this Chilean flag, that belongs to Daniel Marín.
I like this photo by all the meanings that symbolize, a destroyed people, who wants leave the destruction, and stand up again. Maybe will pass decades to be like we were before the earthquake again, this image represents this feature of Chilean people, their strong. Sometimes I’m proud to be Chilean, because I know that my people will overcome the bad things, and this image, the flag overcoming the debris.
This flag has become important after that, even his owner Daniel manifest his wish to give it to Chilean soccer team, to take it to South Africa. I don’t know but maybe the players would play better with this flag, because they will be remembering us, remembering all that happen in this country, all the pain, this would be a reason to don’t disappoint the Chilean people. They have to show to the world that Chile is more than a soccer team; is a strong nation who stand up before all the suffering.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

In loving memory of my Lady

I was nine years old when I met her. She was my neighbor's pet, the problems begin because my neighbor had other little pets, and she killed some cats. My neighbor said to me that their pets and the dog couldn’t live together. I asked to my father if we could keep the dog, and he said yes. She was a little dog with a few months, her name was Lady. The name came from Lady Diana of Wales, because my dog was born before her death.

She was a Siberian husky, who lived twelve years and five months. The first time she stay at home she slept inside, and in the middle of the night she start to howl, we thought that she was missing her old family, but in the morning we realized that she need to go to the bath in the grass. She were always too clever. She loves to run away when the door opens, even in the last months when she gets sick. But when she get bored to run she arrives at home and howl to us, then we were opening the door; that was her ring.

She died at January 16; she was very sick and old. I miss her, every day, when I look at my garden, she is not anymore. Sometimes I saw her in my dreams, that's beautiful, but then I wake up and I feel sad.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

Don't just set goals, score them!

Everybody knows something about soccer, could be just a little, but I think I'm pretty good with my knowledge about it. I growth in a family too many related with this sport. My father played when he was young in leagues of “Cerro Barón” in the Valparaíso city, also my uncles and my father’s uncles played too. It’s a family sport. They were talented players, but not too much for being professionals. I also play soccer, even although is a sport played mostly by men.

My favorite team in Chile is Colo Colo, is the best one, although they don’t have the best supporters, they have twenty nine national championships and the Libertadores Cup. Sometimes I go to the stadium to see it, especially if they play the final. I see other countries soccer games, but just for entertainment, to enjoy the show.

The next week the Soccer World Cup will start, the Chilean team will play, but I’m sadly disappointed of it. Six years ago I was a fervent supporter of this team, but the last three years has been difficult, it's hard to believe that they could achieve important things. I’m happy of that they play again a world cup, but my hopes are not too big.

Is like Love. Sometimes I want to believe again, because they made me happy years ago, but it was painful to see them lose so many times. Now I’ll just see the matches like and spectator, not like a supporter, even although I enjoy screaming for my beloved team. Soccer and Love has a lot of things in common, maybe that’s the reason to be my favorite sport.