Friday 29 October 2010
Memories of childhood
With this song of Jim Croce I start this post related with my childhood. This song is part of my childhood, when I was a little girl. And I have a lot of photographs of that age, so this song is related with my post too.
My best memories are from when I was 11. I was doing many things at school, like learning some sports and learning to play guitar. I was too young and I had a lot of energy. I had good friends at that time, like my current best friend. Maybe I remember this age better than others because of the importance to me.
Why is so important this age specially for me? First of all by the things that I learnt, I was so curious, and the great part of my questions were answered in that age. Second because I learnt how to do great friends. And third because I realise of my potential to do many things, I thought I could be a great guitar player or a great sportswoman one day. This last thing was very important, because opened my mind to a perspective of my possible future; I fill up my mind of dreams!!
All this thing that I've been saying look like good things, but there is a little bad thing: I hadn't good marks on my tests. But who cares! Most of the time I spent it with my friends, playing guitar, doing sports, laughing and all the things that people do in their childhood.
With my friend we always remember this age like the most happy ever. I really think that this year, 1999, were crucial in my current life, because still today the most important things for me is play my guitar, to do sports and have a great time with my friends. I learnt many things, but first of all I learnt how to enjoy my life.
Monday 25 October 2010
What we can learn from our hunter-gatherer ancestors
To go to the news
Today I'm going to talk about a news related with my degree: Archaeology. This kind of news is about global warming, and what can archaeology say or do about it.
The roots of this situation we can found it 6000 years ago, when the life style change, because of the best climatic conditions for farming. The archaeologist of this article says that he is more interested on the consequences rather than the introduction of this phenomenon.There are long-term consequences that for today are important too.
"Fields had to be cleared, fertile ground had to be maintained; there is evidence of sophisticated fertilisation from early on. Many common illnesses began to appear as people settled down, lived in larger communities, in close proximity to their animals, and dealt with waste and new foods. Our relationship with the world began to change; we could practise control, but not on everything"
A radical change of the life style also affected the life of the hunter-gatherer. They become farmers, and the population grow in an exponential way, farming underpins our society. It is important too the animal domestication the new innovations, like the ceramic, the Tupperware of the past. From the cave paintings of ploughs to the nuclear energy there is a way marked for our addiction to energy extraction.
The solution, says the archaeologist, is to become to the old hunter-gatherers lyfe style, but global population and changed circumstances make that impossible, we need to become more self-sufficient, not to be wasting energy without sense. Finally the author says that "climate change, resource depletion, food scares" are just symptoms, not the real problem.
Today I'm going to talk about a news related with my degree: Archaeology. This kind of news is about global warming, and what can archaeology say or do about it.
The roots of this situation we can found it 6000 years ago, when the life style change, because of the best climatic conditions for farming. The archaeologist of this article says that he is more interested on the consequences rather than the introduction of this phenomenon.There are long-term consequences that for today are important too.
"Fields had to be cleared, fertile ground had to be maintained; there is evidence of sophisticated fertilisation from early on. Many common illnesses began to appear as people settled down, lived in larger communities, in close proximity to their animals, and dealt with waste and new foods. Our relationship with the world began to change; we could practise control, but not on everything"
A radical change of the life style also affected the life of the hunter-gatherer. They become farmers, and the population grow in an exponential way, farming underpins our society. It is important too the animal domestication the new innovations, like the ceramic, the Tupperware of the past. From the cave paintings of ploughs to the nuclear energy there is a way marked for our addiction to energy extraction.
The solution, says the archaeologist, is to become to the old hunter-gatherers lyfe style, but global population and changed circumstances make that impossible, we need to become more self-sufficient, not to be wasting energy without sense. Finally the author says that "climate change, resource depletion, food scares" are just symptoms, not the real problem.
Monday 18 October 2010
What to do in Santiago
Santiago is Chile's capital. For some people is a beautiful place and for others an ugly city. There is a lot of things to do, the great thing is that are many activities for free, you can have a lot of fun without spending your money.There are typical places too, like the important hills as San Cristóbal and Santa Lucía. The Government Palace is a beautiful building to visit in a tour.
The people who visit Santiago could be foreigners from other countries or from other cities of the country. So the places to visit will not be the same, or the activities to do, because the interest are not the same.
But if I were a foreigner, I would visit this top five places:
- San Cristóbal Hill: A place with many things to do, you can walk, or run, cycling, make a picnic, visit the zoo, climb the hill to see the virgin statue.
- Fantasilandia: Is an Amusement Park, is the biggest park of Chile. Here you can have a great time with friends or family, sometimes some characters do public shows. Some attractions are for kids, and some for adults, so it is a good place to visit with your children.
- National Museum of Natural History: To know about our country, our earth's riches and our history.
- La Piojera: One of the most famous bar in Chile, here you can find typical drinks and foods of Chile.
- Rural places around Santiago: Inside de Metropolitan Region, but not in the big city. Some places like Pomaire, Isla de Maipo or Malloco. In Pomaire you can find typical clay figures, in Isla de Maipo the Wine Harvest Party and in Malloco the Oktoberfest, with a lot of beers to "taste".
I would recommend this places to visit, because I like it too much. So I invite you to do a tour considering this places.
The people who visit Santiago could be foreigners from other countries or from other cities of the country. So the places to visit will not be the same, or the activities to do, because the interest are not the same.
But if I were a foreigner, I would visit this top five places:
- San Cristóbal Hill: A place with many things to do, you can walk, or run, cycling, make a picnic, visit the zoo, climb the hill to see the virgin statue.
- Fantasilandia: Is an Amusement Park, is the biggest park of Chile. Here you can have a great time with friends or family, sometimes some characters do public shows. Some attractions are for kids, and some for adults, so it is a good place to visit with your children.
- National Museum of Natural History: To know about our country, our earth's riches and our history.
- La Piojera: One of the most famous bar in Chile, here you can find typical drinks and foods of Chile.
- Rural places around Santiago: Inside de Metropolitan Region, but not in the big city. Some places like Pomaire, Isla de Maipo or Malloco. In Pomaire you can find typical clay figures, in Isla de Maipo the Wine Harvest Party and in Malloco the Oktoberfest, with a lot of beers to "taste".
I would recommend this places to visit, because I like it too much. So I invite you to do a tour considering this places.
Thursday 14 October 2010

I don't know much about the Mapuche conflict, and I think that just a minority knows very well what happens with Mapuche and the State. Maybe the TV information is not enough, or is not convenient for the State to show this conflict.
I think that this conflict is similar to the conflict in Spain with the Basque Country. They fight for the self-determination right, that is the right to ask to their people if they want to be an independent country. But Mapuche want more than this, they want their lands back and autonomy.
The bad thing is the mass media shows the Mapuche movements like terrorist acts, but they are fighting for what belongs to them. So they are treated like terrorists, and there is a law that is too old to judge their facts. The President a weeks ago says that we must change this law to solve the hunger strike, but he says too that their hunger strike is an ilegitimate way to protest and their facts has to be judge and punish.
I think that this law has to be abolished and Mapuches shouldn't be treated like terrorists. I believe that Mapuche people has rights, but the Chilean State has nothing to say or do about this, just give their autonomy and the rights of their lands, because Mapuche has been here before our State, they know how to rule their life, how to live and feed their people, they don't have the same needs that we have. They just want to live in a peaceful place.
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